Leagues » 2018 Summer Wednesday 7v7 League » View

2018 Summer Wednesday League

Games will start at 6:30 and be played to 15 points or time cap of 8:30 (or as decided by captains based on light conditions).

Footblocks are in play every game unless both captains agree otherwise before the game.

Regarding Weather Conditions:
1. We play rain or shine.
2. Lightning: our league convenors will cancel, if necessary, at the fields at game time.


2018 Summer Wednesday 7v7 League

Tie Breaker
Head-to-head > Head-to-head plus-minus > Plus-minus > Goals For > Wins > Losses
Coordinator Email List
First Game
May 9, 2018
Last Game
Aug 22, 2018
Roster Deadline
May 6, 2018
Ratio Rule
Schedule Type
Ratings Ladder [Help]
Rating Calculator
Wager System [Help]

This is the recommended choice for large divisions (16 teams or more), divisions where there is a large variation in team skill levels, or divisions where there are not enough games in the season for every team to play every other team.

Division standings are based on team ratings, with rating points either transferred from the loser of a game to the winner, or regularly recalculated based on all known results.

NOTE: If you use this schedule type, be sure not to select the "None" rating calculator.

If you have suggestions for additions, changes or other improvements to this online help, please send them to president@londonultimate.ca.

The Wager ratings calculator is the current recommended choice.

This uses a wagering system, where the final score determines the total amount of the pot. It's based around a winning score of 15 points and tweaked to produce the same ratings change for similar point differentials for higher/lower final scores.

Each team contributes a percentage of the pot based on their expected chance to win. The losing team always takes away the same number of rating points as their game points, while the winning team takes away the remainder.

Thus, the point differential change amounts to:

(total_pot - loser_score - winner_wager)

If you have suggestions for additions, changes or other improvements to this online help, please send them to president@londonultimate.ca.