Event » Mens's Drop-In Night - Sat Mar 15 at Centrefield Sports » View

Mens's Drop-In Night - Sat Mar 15 at Centrefield Sports

Players register as individuals and teams will be formed at the field based on attendance.
The group may collectively decide to run two games of 4vs4 or a big game of 6vs6.

Player substitutions are only allowed in between points (and not "on-the-fly").
Foot blocks are allowed unless both teams agree to disallow foot blocks.
There is no half-time.
Each team may call for up to two 2-minute time-outs per game.
Only the player holding the disc may initiate a time-out.

Spaces are reserved following successful payment.
Payments can be made by PayPal in Zuluru or by e-Transfer to president@londonultimate.ca.

If paying by e-Transfer, please enter a deposit amount of $0.00 in Zuluru and proceed to send your e-Transfer. We will manually update your registration after your payment is received. If the e-Transfer sender name does not match your Zuluru name, please ensure that you include a unique identifier in your e-Transfer message (e.g. registration ID and/or Zuluru name), so that your payment can be matched to your registration.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact president@londonultimate.ca.

Game Time
Saturday March 15, 2025 - 7:00-8:00 PM

Field Location
Centrefield Sports
25 Midpark Crescent
London, ON
N6N 1A9

Event Type
Individuals for Events
Level of Play
Open Cap
Not allowed
Registration Opens
Feb 13, 2025 12:00AM
Registration Closes
Mar 15, 2025 6:59PM
1 day

You cannot register for any events until you are logged on to the site. The system can help you recover forgotten passwords or create a new profile (and user ID with password) if you are new to the LUC site.